
Materi ekonomi bisnis kurikulum 2013
Materi ekonomi bisnis kurikulum 2013

Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dinamika Pendidikan, Viii(2), 75–84. Pengaruh Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris, Dasar Komputer Dan Akuntansi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Myob. ĝarojatun Yakti Pradhana Dan Lyna Latifah. Vocational Learning: Innovative Theory And Practice. Constructing Learners As Members Of Networks. ProsedurPenelitian: SuatuPendekatanPraktik. Skripsiditerbitkan, (Online), (), diakses 21 Desember 2012. PengaruhPenggunaan Media ModulTerhadapMotivasiBelajardanImplikasinyaTerhadapPrestasiBelajarSiswapada Mata DiklatKomputerAkuntansi.


There is no difference influence the average value of competence test Accounting manual against the value of the average MYOB competency test for public SMK and Private SMK group.

materi ekonomi bisnis kurikulum 2013

The average value of the manual accounting competency test positively affects the average value of the MYOB competency test in private SMK.

materi ekonomi bisnis kurikulum 2013

The average value of the manual accounting competency test has a positive effect on the average value of MYOB competency test in public SMK. The number of samples will be used in this study amounted to 24 vocational schools, consisting of 12 State Vocational Schools and 12 Private Vocational Schools. The population of this study is the average test scores of SMK in the province of western Java competency test results of manual and MYOB accounting practices by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants West Java Region. The purpose of this study is to determine how much influence the results of competency test Accounting Manual on MYOB results in Vocational secondary schools (SMK) public and private. Influence Of The Average Value Of Competency Test Of Manual Accounting On The Average Value Of Myob Competency Test

Materi ekonomi bisnis kurikulum 2013